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Mi Flash Tool Download
Mi Flash Tool is used to flash Xiaomi phones. Xiaomi 1 & 2 series can be flashed in Fastboot mode using ADB drivers while higher series has to be flashed in Qualcomm mode by shorting the test point with a tweezer or using an EDL cable.
You can flash any Qualcomm-powered Mi smartphone with Mi Flash Tool, and during the flashing process, a test point is connected for the phone in EDL mode. The cable used is an EDL cable, or you can short the test point yourself.
To confirm if the phone has moved to EDL mode, use the Device Manager. If the Qualcomm USB Driver 9008 port is indicated, the phone is ready to be flashed.
3. Make sure there are no spaces in the firmware path. For example, place the firmware in the C drive or a similar location without spaces in the folder names.
4. Connect the Phone in EDL Mode
5. Use an EDL cable or short the test point to enter EDL mode.
6. Refresh the Tool
7. Click on “Refresh” to detect the connected device. It should appear under ID as COM3 or a similar port.
8. Click on “Flash” to start the flashing process.
Follow these steps carefully to ensure a successful flash.